Rewrite heap allocation and linker section

This commit is contained in:
gil 2024-05-18 21:09:22 -05:00
parent c7ccdc371d
commit 9e180a565a
3 changed files with 62 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,15 +1,59 @@
use crate::abort;
// src/
#[link_section = ".text.init"]
unsafe extern "C" fn _entry() {
use core::arch::asm;
// let id = riscv::register::mhartid::read();
// write_tp(&id);
// TODO set up stack for all harts
// TODO set up CSRs for all harts
// if id != 0 { abort(); }
unsafe extern "C" fn _enter() {
/* Global pointer register `gp`
Push current option stack to temporarily disable relaxation, load
_global_pointer symbol (provided by linker), then pop option stack.
Important to keep relaxation off for this instruction, so that
the instruction is emitted as:
auipc gp, %pcrel_hi(_global_pointer)
addi gp, gp, %pcrel_lo(1b)"
instead of:
mv gp, gp
which would do nothing. */
".option push",
".option norelax",
"la gp, _global_pointer",
".option pop",
let id = riscv::register::mhartid::read();
// TODO: set up stack for all harts
// TODO: set up CSRs for all harts
if id != 0 { abort(); }
if id != 0 { crate::abort(); }
// TODO: clear BSS
// TODO: do hardware inits and wake other harts
// Clear BSS section
"la t0, _bss_start",
"la t1, _bss_end",
"bgeu t0, t1, 2f",
"sb zero, 0(t0)",
"addi t0, t0, 1",
"bne t0, t1, 1b",
"la sp, _stack_end",
"li t0, (0b11 << 11) | (1 << 13)",
"csrw mstatus, t0",
"csrw mie, x0",
// TODO do hardware inits and wake other harts

View file

@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ static ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty();
/// # Safety
/// Must be called at most once.
pub unsafe fn init() {
let heap_bottom;
let heap_start;
let heap_size;
// UNSAFE: This is fine, just loading some constants.
unsafe {
// using inline assembly is easier to access linker constants
"la {heap_bottom}, _kernel_heap_bottom",
"la {heap_size}, _kernel_heap_size",
heap_bottom = out(reg) heap_bottom,
"la {heap_start}, _heap_start",
"la {heap_size}, _heap_size",
heap_start = out(reg) heap_start,
heap_size = out(reg) heap_size,
"Initialising kernel heap (bottom: {:#x}, size: {:#x})",
heap_bottom as usize, heap_size
heap_start as usize, heap_size
// UNSAFE: Fine to call at most once.
unsafe { ALLOCATOR.lock().init(heap_bottom, heap_size) };
unsafe { ALLOCATOR.lock().init(heap_start, heap_size) };

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ SECTIONS {
PROVIDE(_memory_end = ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram));
PROVIDE(_kernel_heap_bottom = _stack_end); # allocate heap to remaining physical memory
PROVIDE(_kernel_heap_top = ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram)); # top of heap is end of ram
PROVIDE(_kernel_heap_size = _kernel_heap_top - _kernel_heap_bottom); # capture size of heap
/* TODO Redefine heap sections */
PROVIDE(_heap_start = _stack_end); # allocate heap to remaining physical memory
PROVIDE(_heap_size = _memory_end - _heap_start); # capture size of heap