38 lines
678 B
38 lines
678 B
# entry.s
.option norvc
.section .data
.section .text.init
.global _entry
# Set global pointer (gp)
# Important to have relaxation off for this instruction
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, _global_pointer
.option pop
# Set thread pointer (tp) to hart id
csrr tp, mhartid
# Set stack pointer (sp) for all harts
la sp, _stack_end
li t0, 0x10000 # Give each hart plenty of space for their stacks
mul t0, t0, tp
sub sp, sp, t0
# Jump to start if not hart 0
bnez tp, 2f
# Prepare BSS section if hart 0
la t0, _bss_start
la t1, _bss_end
bgeu t0, t1, 2f
sb zero, 0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 1
bne t0, t1, 1b
# Tail call Rust start function
tail start