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gil 2024-07-09 12:47:39 -05:00
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title: "Liberation 1: A Do-It-Ourselves Liberation Manifesto"
title: "Liberation 1: We Liberate Us"
date: 2024-07-07T23:04:03-5
# Liberation 1: A Do-It-Ourselves Liberation Manifesto
# Liberationist 1: We Liberate Us
I am a liberationist.
I have a vision of communities and societies which, above all, maintain the freedom from oppression, fulfill the foundational need to thrive as our fullest selves, and provide healing justice. I support communities and societies which meet human needs and strive for harmony with each other and with nature.
I oppose this visions opponents which are: oppression, violence, exploitation, the state, the empire, authoritarianism, and fascism as well as the systems, institutions, and elite classes which sustain them.
I love the world, and everyone and everything in it.
I encourage many grassroots, localized but interconnected, decentralized mass movements, using direct action, civil disobedience, and other measures which are needed to create alternative institutions, build said communities and societies, resist oppression and the violent, authoritarian state, and dismantle systems and institutions which do not serve us.
I have unshakeable belief and conviction that, through people power, we can achieve great healing, justice, and transformation. I have hope and confidence that we can do this right now with currently available resources, and that we cant and shouldnt wait or depend on states or heroes to realize this vision. I have faith in our ability to collectively determine the future we want and realize that future.
I see movements in which we love us. We take care of us. We protect us. We teach us. We learn from us. We heal us. We connect us. We see us. We listen to us. We relate to us. We include us. We empower us. We build for us. We create for us. We work for us. We rest for us. We feed us. We house us. We organize us. We free us. We liberate us. In these movements, we will be because we are—we will model the change we want.