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Spending much time keeping down what we are against but not promoting what we are for - viewing everything as a zero sum game and seeing each other as in competition rather than working in tandem
Using educational opportunities to scold or parade ideological/intellectual superiority rather than teach or exchange info
Not saying we necessarily have to stop criticizing people- keep critiquing leftists and liberals alike but recognizing that doing individual/individualistic attacks and callouts harms the work we have mutual interest in and prevents building coalitions. Do I love liberalism or progressivism? No! But am I interested in shouting at every liberal that pops up in my mentions? No! Yes some people need to be called in or laid out but you have to use discretion on whether that's necessary or even something they're receptive to.
Liberation to me is a goal worth fighting for and it's worth butting heads with people along the way to achieve, but it has to be built up through consensus-building and forming coalitions. We have to be able to work with people in different organizing spaces with different values and ideas about society in order to open the path to liberation.
Liberation requires steady inner work and outer work- the inner work of realigning our own behaviors values habits biases ideas beliefs and actions with the cause of liberation and the outer work of teaming up with other people and teaming up with other teams to further the cause of liberation.
We all have been free before. Some of us never stopped being free.
Fundamentalism among leftists and liberals will kill us all.
We have to destroy the authoritarian in our heads, the cop in our heads who polices and does their bidding - at a deeply internal level destroy our own violently coercive and authoritarian hierarchical tendencies
We have to do that to make way for radical love, to open our hearts up to the masses, to have minds and spirits engaged in perpetual revolution for the sake of liberation. We have to create the immaterial (mental, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual, cultural, etc.) conditions which will counteract the material conditions of power and wealth and money and property which have corrupted our immaterial condition. To create a new cycle and a new system and a new mode of being.
The first revolution begins in the heart and does not end.
The greatest enemy of liberation is anomie, loneliness, anti-community — we have to embrace a mindset which responds to the anomie, the loneliness, the alienation within ourselves and within others… which is open to being loving to others and opens ourselves up to being loved.
A major defining feature of the far-right radicalization path is the exploitation of people’s feelings of anomie, alienation, and loneliness, the furthering of alienation in order to make people more receptive to more and more anti-community, bigoted ideas.
A lot of leftists end up falling into the same dark patterns that right wingers and cult leaders use because they haven’t done the work of unlearning the fundamentalism which underlies many aspects of our culture. This is why it’s so important to kill the cop in our heads — so that as we turn leftward we don’t inherit the pathology of the far-right.
Due to stratification in our society we see tendencies of asociality, alienation, social isolation, and loneliness and an overall reduction in hope and increase in sense of powerlessness… these are the things which seek to crush our spirit. To adopt a revolutionary spirit is to intentionally counteract these effects — to counteract these effects is to open oneself up to community building as means of generating collective power.
Being in community with other human beings is part of our essence — our ancestors survived because of the power they had together. Because they could care for each other. Because everyone brought something different to the table which could help the group thrive and improve everyone’s conditions. We cannot allow material conditions to deprive ourselves of senses of belonging and community which have kept us alive all these millennia. To love and trust and care for and commit to and work for one another is to build up a society. To be wary of and distrust and ignore and harm and isolate from one another is to break it down. |