938 B
Freedom from: injustice (oppression, exploitation, domination, alienation, etc.) Freedom to: thrive (live as our fullest selves, connect with others)
On soup theory
Before exploring the topic of freedom, I want to take a brief look at a simpler metaphor for explaining freedom within liberation, one called “soup theory.” As originally formulated by progressive minister Rev. Oliver Snow, soup theory asks “Do you believe everyone deserves to vibe and eat their favorite soup?”1
This phrase has specific moral and ethical implications for what freedom means. It also implies a material vision for freedom, with social, ecological, environmental, political, economic, and cultural components.
(and believe me, it is material. Freedom is not built on thoughts and prayers)
This was first presented on their TikTok page @revpoppopandfriends (where you can also find a playlist of discussions regarding soup theory). ↩︎