1.3 KiB
1.3 KiB
created | modified |
2024-05-19T17:41:08-05:00 | 2024-05-19T17:41:12-05:00 |
Reading list
In addition to the below list, I also heavily consulted the RISC-V ISA specifications which, at the time of writing, were last ratified and published on April 11, 2024.
- Writing a RISC-V operating system kernel in Rust series, Meyer Zinn, 2023
- The Adventures of OS, Stephen Marz, 2019
- Writing an OS in Rust, Philipp Oppermann
Other reading
- https://twilco.github.io/riscv-from-scratch/2019/04/27/riscv-from-scratch-2.html
- https://danielmangum.com/categories/risc-v-bytes/